Saturday, June 19, 2010

Good news first. Bad new last. by Mrs. Taylor

I was talking with some people at work the other day and one of them said they never watch the news, too much bad news. Someone else said they always watch the news so they know what's going on, but agreed, how depressing. So I said, "I don't watch the news. I read the headlines on my internet homepage and pick what I want to hear about." I wondered what would happen if they put the good news first, bad news last. If the world started focusing on good news, good people, good times and gave that top priority, where would we be? Do you think if no one paid attention to the bad, dumb, idiotic things people did the bad news would go away? Wouldn't it be nice if every serial killer didn't get a cool nickname? It is important to know public safety issues, but shouldn't we glorify people who help others? The Serial Do-gooder is on the loose again! How refreshing.

1 comment:

  1. OMGosh! Exactly!!! That's totally what I think. That is totally what I do too, I might pick up a news paper if I am pet sitting at a house that gets one, and open it, look at the headlines, go to the comics section and play the sodoku! haha. Online, IF I see a headline that interests me, I will read it. That is it... that is my news. Except, other people end up telling me stuff I don't really want to hear, but I am working on that! hah. Good news is great! I try to keep the bad stuff out as much as possible! :-)
