Friday, July 16, 2010

Stay in the lines! by Mrs. C

Why do people have to park so close together? This was the topic of conversation between me and Beth and it played out yet again two days ago. I took the kids to the movies with me and I parked on the end parking space. Yet someone, probably the late comer to our movie, decided they would not only park illegally, but that they would park within 2 inches of my passenger door! Really? So because I got there BEFORE the show, I now get trapped in a parking lot with two small kids?! Yeah, that seems fair. I was so mad. I couldn't even get my son in the car! So, I resorted to throwing the kids in the car without seat belts, pulling forward enough to open the passenger side, and then buckling them in. To keep myself from playing out the thoughts I had of keying their car or slashing their tires, I left a note that said, "Thank you for taking the time to park so close to my car. I'm sure you saved time by making sure that you were exactly 2 inches from the passenger side of my car. I hope you made it to your movie on time." I wanted to say so many more mean things to this stupid person who really messed up my evening, but I actually spent more time re-thinking my note.
I guess God was on my side that night, because everything I wanted to say resounded in my head as unchristian.

Not to be totally blind about this; I haven't always acted Christian-like in situations like this. Once before, on a rainy evening, I took the kids to Petco for dog food. When we arrived, I parked straight within my space, with no car on either side of me. When I came out, not only was it pouring rain, but I came out to find my car caged in by the cars on both sides of me. Why can't people be considerate when parking. I've got labels on my car that say "Baby on Board," car seats in the car and a boat load of toys that are visible from the window. It's so inconsiderate and selfish to think that it's OK they left me 2 inches just because they would've otherwise failed parking school. We were all three soaked to the bone and cold (it was March) and I have no way to even get the kids in the car. I couldn't even fit to get in the car! The driver of the car on the driver's side came out to leave and so of course, I just gave her a verbal beating. She said nothing and got in and left. She didn't even apologize! I put my kids in and backed my car away from the truck on the passenger side. When I went to put Evan in his seat, he was so soaked. His diaper was soaked. I then had a plan! I changed him right there in the passenger seat. Then I attached the note to his wet diaper and threw it in the window of the truck next to me. I know what you're thinking; "How gross" or "what a b*#$h." That's OK. It was unchristian I'm sure, but that night, I let the devil take control and the vindication felt GREAT! I felt so relieved of my stress and was able to let go of how mad I was. If you're wanting to know what the note said, it was along the lines of "Thanks for parking so close. I couldn't even get my kids in the car. Not only were we soaked and cold, but my son was so scared he wet his pants. Take care of this for me."

Lesson here: Be considerate of others! The lines in the parking lot are not decorations!

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