Friday, July 30, 2010

ADD is my favorite trait by Mrs. Taylor

Take a little journey through my day without meds: Have you ever gone to put something away in another room and found a new project? While doing that project, you found something that needed to be put away in another room, so you go to put it away, and find a new project. Then, during that third project, you find something that needs to go in another room, so you go to put it away, and find another new project? And eventually, your 50th new project brings you back to the first project. And that project was getting the living room clean...and your parents will be over in about 10 minutes...your adventure started about three hours ago...

With meds: Same, but my total adventure time is about 20 minutes.

I have ADD. And I LOVE IT! I love my zany brain. My unique way of doing things. My fast thinking makes me a quick problem solver, joke maker, master of wit, but slow with comebacks. I am neat, but not organized. I am super forgetful and have trained the kids to finish my sentences and politely remind me to get them a glass of milk even after they have already asked a few hundred times. This is who I am. This is the brain I was born with and I can not change it. And my husband loves me, just how I am!

A good friend of mine told me about this book, Delivered from Distraction, by Drs. Hallowell and Ratey, and if you have ADD and need a huge self-esteem boost, read this book!!! Please e-mail and tell me how much you loved it. Read page 40 first. :)


  1. OMG! Soooooo true! I am always always always starting a million projects, to turn around 3 hours later and find I've basically left a million unfinished projects around the house. The only thing that helps my sanity at the end of the night is that I tell myself "tomorrow's another day."

  2. Mrs. Taylor, Beth, i've had add since i was about 14, a nickname given me by a older teenager...between or during summer of '66............Adorable Den Den....still tryin to use

  3. I think you still might be able to pull it off! Wait! What were we talking about again? Did you need a drink of milk like everyone else around here? ;)

  4. Darby said......
    just call me thumper cuz my leg never stopped moving when i was in school....but it really is a gift.....
