Saturday, January 1, 2011

New year's normal by Mrs. Taylor

Do you have a normal life?  Do you do normal things?  Go normal places?  Dream normal dreams?  Do you blend in?  Go with the flow?  Travel the most beaten path?  Are you always in the box?  A wallflower?  Blowing with the sands of time?  Are you on stand by in this life or are you living it?  Could you possibly be on the verge of ...hmmm... something way out in left fieldI am, and I bet you are too.  This year,  I'm going to live extraordinary, abnormally.  I'm going to be me, amplified.  I'm going to stop trying to be everything I want to be and just be it.  And it's going to be awesome

1 comment:

  1. Happy New Year Beth! You asked to I'm gonna answer....I definitely do not have normal dreams (the kind you dream at night)! Normal is very subjective, but I don't think I'm normal and I am for sure not a wallflower. I am, however, guilty of strange expectations that I put upon myself that are impossible to live up to. A good wife should be.... a good mom should be... and because they are impossible expectations, I fail to meet them. I'm excited for this year because I want to let some things go and learn to take better care of me.
    I love that you said you are not going to try you are just going to be!
