Friday, November 26, 2010

Goodgrief by Mrs. Taylor

A Goodwill store opened by my house a few months ago and it looks so busy!  It brought a dead strip mall back to life, but can I just say how much I hate thrift stores?   I hate thrift stores!  They smell funny.  They sell used underwear.  No, I don't want a lamp from the 1950's, stretched-out-neck t-shirts, worn out bath mats, odd cups or silverware.  No thanks, to not gently-worn shoes, somebody else's socks,  jewelery no one else likes either, musty coats or clearance rack regrets.  Maybe I'm insensitive, but I don't think so.  I do realize the necessity of thrift stores and I actually have to admit, I have bought a Barbie house there and a pair of A&F jeans that were so worn, they looked like they had a good story to tell.  But if you want good, cheap things, just go to Ross.


  1. Beth, I do agree with you on several points, but when there are people out of work, and cannot afford to even go to Ross, then these stores do provide a service of sorts. Yes, the used underwear is something I might not buy, but when one does not have anything then this is what they have to do. I remember a time when my husband watched several people pass a homeless woman by. She was crying, her feet had blisters from walking with no shoes. He went into the good will and bought her a pair of shoes and socks to cushion her feet. The gratitude was beyond anything one can see anywhere. So if one does nothing else but buy something to help a homeless person, or more than one, then we have paid forward our good fortune in this life

  2. I understand that and thanks for a different way of looking at it. I just always wonder if people feel the same way about things I do. I mean, I can't be the only one who feels certain ways about a lot of things.
