Sunday, September 12, 2010

Simple Thank yous just don't exist by Mrs. C

Why is the world so "for" users and selfish people and "against" those who are used or give of themselves? I like to think of myself as a giving person. I don't use people. I do more favors than are done for me; I volunteer my time for many things, and I'm not just trying to make myself look good. I'm just saying. My husband and I have had this conversation many times, and it's very
  frustrating. We do and do and do for others, including family, but we get used more times than not. It's like it's expected that Jeremy and Amanda will say yes. "Oh, my car is broke. Jeremy will fix my car for free if I buy the part." And he does fix the car but not even a "thank you" for it. Really? My husband spent his entire two days off and the better part of his time home on day 3 working on that car and he doesn't even get a "thank you" for it. We're not looking for money or payment for our services (not all the time anyway), but even a simple "thank you" goes a long way in my book. Sometimes I feel bad for thinking this way, because maybe I'm just being selfish. But what about us? We struggle too. We work through it. We don't always ask for help, because we don't want to imposition others.
We have been left off invitations to FAMILY FUNCTIONS, and we can not for the life of us understand that. And then family wonders why we weren't there. Did anyone stop to ask if we were even told? We don't stand up family, but we don't read minds either.

At the moment, I am feeling a little hurt. People I thought were good friends have not done "good friend" things. Without going into too much detail and airing dirty laundry, I just want to say that I think the world would be a way better place if every single person would just think about one other person each day and do something for someone else once in a while, more often than not. I try to do that every day, and I'm not just talking about taking care of my kids. That is a given. But I do things for others because I know how it helps them, and I like to help others. But I do like having people do things for me to just because they want to. It lets me know that someone else thought about me and cared enough about me to put thought into actions.

But I guess this is a utopic thought. Moving on...

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